Our address:
Birbynių g. 4a Vilnius,Lietuva
Tel: +(370) 606 22 608
Tel: +(370) 648 88 205
Tel: +(370) 655 50 244
E-mail: info@salditurbo.lt
ICQ: 604997193
Skype: salditurbo.lt
UAB Saldi Turbo
Registration Nr: 302710144
VAT : LT100006605217
SEB Bank account: LT45 7044 0600 0779 5760
Working hours:
From Mon. till Frd. from 8:00 till 18:00 o’clock
Saturday from 10:00 till 15:00 o’clock
If you are interested of turbo repair you can send your turbo to us with transport company DPD, DHL, UPS, or by post.
Russian Moscow – ООО “Салди”
Tel: 8-916-571-55-79
Tel: 8-916-526-87-22
Tel: +7 (495) 971-16-33, 8 901-547-76-33, +7 (495) 648-80-83″
Skype: turbinka3390
Working days and hours:
From Monday till Friday working hours from 9:00 till 19:00 o’clock
Saturday 10:00 till 18:00
E-mail: salditurbo@mail.ru
Our address:
Our address:
111024, г.Москва, 2-я ул. Энтузиастов д.5, (территория завода Компрессор)